Elaborarea unui program cuprinzator de sine-statator al Depozitului Geologic National destinat depozitarii finale a combustibilului nuclear ars, in acord cu Directiva europeana de deseuri radioactive 2011/70/Euratom si la nivelul unor programe nationale efective de depozitare geologica trebuie sa considere riscurile contextului national.
Lucrarea de fata prezinta unele informatii cu privire la aspectele de mediu care pot constitui factori de risc semnificativ indusi de contextul national la planificarea Depozitului Geologic National. Pe baza experientei de peste 20 de ani de participare directa in procedurile de autorizare de mediu a unor proiecte majore nucleare in Romania, autorii confirma rezultatele unui studiu al managementului riscului contextului national asupra planificarii curente a Depozitului Geologic National si recomanda planificarea integrata de actiuni majore de mediu in structura activitatilor din etapele de selectare si autorizare a amplasamentului depozitului in scopul minimizarii impactului negativ al acestor riscuri asupra dezvoltarii depozitului.
The elaboration of a comprehensive national program of the National Geological Repository destined for the disposal of the spent nuclear fuel in accordance with the European Directive on radioactive waste 2011/70/Euratom and at the level of the actual national geological disposal programs should consider the risks of the national context.
The paper presents some information related to the environmental aspects that can be significant risk factors induced by the national context in the planning of the National Geological Repository. Based on the experience of over 20 years of direct participation in environmental authorization procedures of major nuclear projects in Romania, the authors confirm the results of a national risk management study on the current planning of the National Geological Repository and recommend integrated planning of major environment actions in the work breakdown structure of the stages for Siting and Licensing the Repository Site in order to minimize the negative impact of these risks on the development of the repository.