Ethics and Malpractice
Publications Ethics and Malpractice Statement (PEMS)
Journal information, ownership, and management
The “EMERG – Energy. Environment. Efficiency. Resources. Globalization” continues the tradition of the previous publications. „EMERG – Energy. Economics. Recovering. Household“(published during 1987 – 1996 by Editura Tehnica) and „EMERG – Energy. Environment. Economics. Resources. Globalization“ (published during 2005 – 2015 by Editura AGIR). In 2015, WEC/RNC became the editor of the publication with AGIR as the publishing house and in 2019 EMERG became a quarterly publication, BDI indexed.
Editorial board
EMERG represents an important landmark of the energy publications, the weight of the name being conferred both by the reputation of the editorial team and the published materials, as well as by the history and perseverance that the project has been published for more than three decades.
The new series has an Editorial Board that includes personalities recognized by the scientific world (university professors, scientific researchers, design or exploitation engineers, etc.) in our country and abroad.
Contact information for the editorial office:
World Energy Council/Romanian National Committee (WEC/RNC)
Lacul Tei Bvd. #1-3, sector 2, 020371, Bucharest
E-mail: |
Tel.: +40372.821.475
Web: |
Paper submittion
- The papers must have an adequate scientific content, to contain original elements and be properly written in English. These are mandatory condition for accepting the paper.
- The bibliography must show the authors adequate documentation. No more than 3 self-citations.
- The whole responsibility for the accuracy of calculations, experimental data, scientific affirmation and paper translation belongs to the authors.
- The authors will declare on their own responsibility that the article or parts of it were not published before in others journals.
- It is mandatory that the authors respect the Copyright laws and EMERG Paper Template.
- The papers will be submitted online by filling in the form Submit your paper
- Manuscript processing estimated time is maximum 180 days since the time of submission
Authors and Authors responsibilities
- Authors are obliged to participate in the peer-review process.
- All authors must have significantly contributed to the research
- All authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes
Peer-review process
- The papers will be reviewed by two specialty scientific reviewers, well-known in their domains of activity. For more information review the Editorial Board information.
- The papers will be sent back to the authors for corrections if:
> the instructions presented in Template.docx are not respected
> the figures, pictures, or tables are not contained in the text
> the reviewers require modifications or supplementary information.
For more information about the review process please see the EMERG Methodology here
Publication ethics
- We do not encourage any misconduct and we do not allow any papers to be published unless there is no evidence of any infringements.
- If the editorial board is made aware of any misconduct, it will make sure to retract or correct any article when needed. The authors will be able to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when needed.
- The submitted papers are verified for plagiarism or other infringements through the peer-review process, using plagiarism detection software. The editorial board will take steps in informing the author if there are any problems identified.
Copyright and Access
- EMERG is an open-access journal.
- When submitting a paper, the main author must fill in the Copyright form that can be found here.
- The editorial board will not accept papers and begin the process review without the signed form.
- EMERG is an open-source publication and all the papers published starting 2019 can be found here.
- For the papers before published before 2019 can be found in the archives of the Romanian National Library
- All the editions are archived on the WEC/RNC’s and AGIR servers, in an iCloud soution and also offline as printed copies.
- For each paper published in EMERG, WEC/RNC’s offers a DOI number (Digital Object Identifier) which helps track down the articles and authors.
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